stone age|stone age in English

period of history in which man used stone tools and weapons (Bronze Age)

Use "stone age|stone age" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stone age|stone age" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stone age|stone age", or refer to the context using the word "stone age|stone age" in the English Dictionary.

1. A stone implement of the Paleolithic Age.

2. Do they look like stone-age people?

3. 5 Stone Age settlers fashioned necklaces from sheep'steeth.

4. The Stone Age is a period of human prehistory.

5. Elderberries have been used in medicine since the Stone Age .

6. The Palaeolithic Period is sometimes called the Old Stone Age.

7. Stone Age hand Axes originated in simple stone implements that acquired wooden hafts, or handles, about 30,000 bc

8. Caveman definition is - a cave dweller especially of the Stone Age

9. Evolutionists admit there are no written records from the “Stone Age.”

10. Bronze Age, third phase in the development of material culture among the ancient peoples of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, following the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods (Old Stone Age and New Stone Age, respectively)

11. 16 Our Stone Age ancestors certainly did not live in a feedlot.

12. The vessels represent the earliest pottery style of the British Stone Age.

13. Skara Brae, one of the most perfectly preserved Stone Age villages in Europe

14. During the dig, the archeological team found some relics from the Stone Age.

15. Before the modern Axe, the stone-age hand Axe without a handle was

16. Cist definition is - a neolithic or Bronze Age burial chamber typically lined with stone.

17. As prehistory, these are typically based on sequences ranging from palaeolithic stone axes through bronze age pottery to iron age swords.

18. 15 During the dig, the archeological team found some relics from the Stone Age.

19. The Bygone days of our ancestors The stone wall is from a Bygone age

20. This book says the earliest man-made bridges date back to the New Stone Age.

21. During the Pleistocene, Stone Age man appeared on the scene in Java and spread quickly.

22. Flint knapping is the age-old art of making Arrowheads and other edged stone tools

23. As prehistory(, these are typically based on sequences ranging from palaeolithic stone axes through bronze age pottery to iron age swords.

24. The Incas appear to have practiced a procedure known as trepanation since the late Stone age.

25. All the islands, including even Java, harbour primitive peoples, often still living in stone-age conditions.